Saturday, January 17, 2009

Abi's Part-Time Job

Masa Ibu tulis blog ni, agaknya Abi baru habis bagi lecture kat student dia. Sebenarnya kalau nak tahu, hari ni adalah 1st day Abi menjalankan tugas dia sebagai part-time lecturer cum tutor di OUM cawangan Labuan.

Kalau tak silap Ibu, dalam hujung tahun lepas, Abi ada apply untuk jadi part-time lecturer ni. Alhamdulillah Abi dapat post tu. Kelas cuma Sabtu dan Ahad je. Itu pun bukan tiap2 minggu. Kalau tak silap Ibu, dalam satu semester, cuma ada 3 sesi je kut. Abi mengajar Islamic Banking dan apa tah lagi satu subject tu (maaf, Ibu tak ingat).

Dulu mmg Abi pernah bagitau Ibu yg Abi berminat nak jadi lecturer. Abi pernah jugak cakap nak berhenti kerja d Petronas dan kerja sebagai lecturer (dan di bangkang dengan serta merta oleh Ibu sbb Abi ada future dalam petronas. Manatau dalam 5-10 tahun akan datang Abi dapat jadi manager ke kan). Tapi Ibu mmg tak halang minat Abi dalam bidang lecturing ni. Ibu sentiasa sokong apa2 saja bidang yang Abi minat. Dan Ibu rasa mungkin Abi mmg ada bakat dalam bab2 mengajar ni sbb skrg pun Abi mengajar budak2, mak budak dan nenek budak mengaji setiap malam (kecuali hari Khamis, Sabtu dan Ahad).

Apa2 pun Ibu ucapkan all the best kepada Abi. Semoga Abi menjalankan tugas (dan amanah) ini sebaiknya.


  1. Thanks to Ibu...masa Abi post comment ni Ibu sedang tido kepenatan menjaga Anas yang demam. Abi tadi kepenatan study sealam untuk kelas pagi tadi.

    Anas plak waktu ni sedang menggelisah. Tak mahu tido.tak pula Anas menangis. Semalam kami bawa Anas keluar kebandar selepas Magrib, balik dari bandar mungkin kepenatan Anas tido. Jam 11 Anas bangun dan menangis tak henti-henti. Tak pernah dengar plak menangis sebegitu(bukan yang bunyi biasa).Bukan nak menceritakan ke mistik kan cerita, cuma just bunyi nangis lain.Tak da la mistik pun.Jam 12 lebih menangis dan bagi "nenen" then diam plak sampai pagi.

    Thanks Sayang one more time...Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas pengorbanan Sayang

  2. I wish to congratulate Abi for being a part-time lecturer. Rezeki anaklah tu... My advise to you, do not give up your work at Petronas. Nowadays, it is common one do more than 1 job at a time. To raise a family need a lots of RM (no one will deny this statement). Mengajar tu selain dapat extra income ianya juga jariah. Selagi students apply what we teach, berlarutanlah pahala yang kita dapat. InsyaAllah (akan membantu diakhirat, selain dari doa dari anak-anak soleh)

  3. Ooops....... alang-alang lecturing kat OUM, boleh jual tudung kat students juga kot........ another side income.

  4. Mulanya memang tak berasa nak kerja lama dengan PETRONAS ni disebabkan beberapa sebab:
    1)Competing among peers to achieve high performance employee (rasa tertekan juga)
    2)Time at office used to work for others (i.e:meeting,discussion etc)
    3)Always been chasing by others (contractors,engineers,bosses)

    But, with the coming responsibility (loan payment and etc)need to re-plan the career path.

  5. Being an executive/officer can make one be like a 'sandwich'. Pressure from all corners. The beauty of working in International level organisation is that Abi can take this as a challenge to further enhance yourself. Competition among peers.... ?Don't forget rezeki di tangan Allah. Don't compete with others but bring out the best in you. Sometime we only see what other people could produce but forget that we have much more better value inside us, that we could bring out. While you are still young, upgrade yourself, Uchu urge you to further your study, tak payah tunggu lama-lama to get promoted. Once you have degree or Master in your hand, better position and perks will be waiting for you. Take an opportunity to further your study while you are in OUM. Remember not all other organisation can give good fringe benefit like Petronas(especially medical,bonuses,loan etc). Latest news, 200,000 workers will lose their job in Malaysia due to economic downturn. Think about it!....... try to love your job.

  6. Just want to share...... Uncle Mie is heading an International Dept in Proton. He is also an Emerald level in AMWAY. He travels every corner of the world giving lecture/talks...... Pak Tam is in LGM, Administrative officer and actively doing catering business for more than 10 years. These two example can managed to do two jobs at a time and both are successful. If they can do, so do you, Abi. Nothing impossible. Kerja selain ibadah juga adalah satu jihad.

  7. Thank you very much Uchu for the inspiring motivation advice. Word "Sandwich" very much applicable to me. InsyaALLAH with beloved wife at side, i will be able to pursue next degree soon or later

  8. hehe..whatever you do or whatever you plan bro, 1st of all make sure it is worth for ISLAM and dakwah..that's what we had learned before..
